Home > Academics > Academic Units > Faculty of Engineering and Architecture (FoE&A) > Mechanical Engineering > Dilip Kumar Pratihar
Dr. D.K. Pratihar, Institute Chair Professor, has made notable contributions on the Fundamentals and Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Robotics, Healthcare, Education Technology, Manufacturing Science, and others. Based on his long Teaching and Research experience, he has written 3 Textbooks, 4 Reference Books, about 30 Book-Chapters, more than 190 International Journal Papers, more than 110 Conference Papers. He has developed 4 online (NPTEL) courses, which could already attract more than 60,000 participants from various Countries in the World. He is the founder of Soft Computing Lab. and Centre for Excellence in Robotics at IIT Kharagpur. He has guided 27 PhD students, and 12 more PhD theses are in progress now, under his supervision. He has already completed 28 Projects successfully, out of which 6 were funded by the Industries. He has filed 4 Patents along with his students and out of which, one has been granted. He has proposed an Intelligent Optimization Tool, named Bonobo Optimizer, and received the Copyright along with his student. He was listed among the World’s Top 2% Scientists in the area of Image Analysis and Artificial Intelligence by Stanford University, USA. He was listed in www.research.com. He received various Awards, Fellowships, and other recognitions, some of which are listed below.
A genetic-fuzzy approach for mobile robot navigation among moving obstacles by D.K. Pratihar, K. Deb, A, Ghosh International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 20 145-172 (1999)
Time-optimal, collision-free navigation of a car-like mobile robot using a neuro-fuzzy approach by N.B. Hui, V. Mahendar, D.K. Pratihar Fuzzy Sets and Systems 157,16 2171-2204 (2006)
Fuzzy logic-based screening and prediction of adult psychoses: a novel approach by S. Chattopadhyay, D.K. Pratihar, S.C. De Sarkar IEEE Trans. on Systems,Man and Cybernetics, Part A 39,2 381-387 (2009)
A genetic algorithm-based multi-objective shape optimization scheme for cementless femoral implant by S. Chanda, S. Gupta, D.K. Pratihar Trans. on ASME, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 137 034502-1-12 (2015)
Optimal path and gait generations simultaneously of a six-legged robot using a GA-fuzzy approach by D.K. Pratihar, K. Deb, A, Ghosh Robotics and Autonomous Systems 41,1 1-20 (2002)
Design of a genetic-fuzzy system to predict surface finish and power requirement in grinding by A.K. Nandi, D.K. Pratihar Fuzzy Sets and Systems 148 487-504 (2004)
Optimization of bead geometry in electron beam welding using a genetic algorithm by V. Dey, D.K. Pratihar et al. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 209 1151-1157 (2009)
Modeling of TIG welding process using conventional regression analysis and neural network-based approaches by P. Dutta, D.K. Pratihar Journal of Materials Processing Technology 184,1-3 56-68 (2007)
Identification of flow regimes using conductivity probe signals and neural networks for counter-current gas-liquid two-phase flow by S. Ghosh, D.K. Pratihar, B. Maiti, P.K. Das Chemical Engineering Science 84 417-436 (2012)
Laser forming of a dome-shaped surface: Experimental investigations, statistical analysis and neural network modeling by K. Maji, D.K. Pratihar, A.K. Nath Optics and Laser in Engineering 53 31-42 (2014)
Adjunct Professor of Academy of Technology (AOT), Adisaptagram, Hooghly, W.B. ACADEMY OF TECHNOLOGY
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