Home > Academics > Academic Units > Faculty of Sciences (FoS) > Centre for Ocean, River, Atmosphere and Land Sciences (CORAL) > Nairita Pal
I am interested in studying multiphase flows in turbulence. To this end, I have investigated mixing, phase-separation and interfacial phenomena in turbulence using High Performance Computing (HPC) and Direct Numerical Simulations, and turbulence closure models. Currently, I am interested in applying the turbulence theories and models to study real systems, e.g., global oceans. In this regard, I am studying the impact of tidal mixing on the transport properties such as the net heat flux using Earth System Models. The tidal force is a major driver of ocean currents, and ocean currents drive global climate change. I am interested in studying the effect of ocean hydrodynamics on ocean thermodynamics, and the ocean radiation properties (such as solar reflectivity).
Fluid Mixing in Ideal Systems and Earth System Models Sponsored Research and Industrial Consultancy (SRIC)
Triparna Sanyal
Area of Research: Physical oceanography, turbulence simulations and closure models